The Adult Well Male Examination


Conducting an adult well-male exam incorporates evidence-based guidance for the result of promoting optimal health and well-being, which includes screening tests, medical history, and a physical exam. Nearly 1/3 of men, however, report not having a primary care physician.

The exam should cover the following:

  1. Medical History

    • Substance abuse

    • Sexually transmitted infection risk

    • Diet and exercise habits

    • Symptoms of depression

  2. Physical Examination

    • Blood pressure (with screening for diabetes mellitus if above 135/80 mm Hg)

    • Body mass index (BMI) screening

    • Lipid screening (if 35 and older or in men 20-34 with cardiovascular risk factors)

    • Ultrasound screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (for men between ages 65-75 who have smoked)

    • Screening for colorectal cancer (starting at age 50 through at least age 75)

For more information: The Adult Well Male Examination from American Family Physician

Eric Vanzura